Coordinate Support for Indigenous Scriptures CSIS

Coordinating Support for Indigenous Scriptures is a project of the Uniting Church in Australia Northern Synod and the Northern Regional Council of Congress (NRCC). Its purpose is to encourage and facilitate the the translation of the Bible into the heart languages of the peoples of its regions and support Scripture in Use work in the indigenous languages spoken in the UCA congregations of the Northern Synod.

We are currently supporting New Testament work in numerous languages in East and West Arnhem Land as well as the Old Testament in Pitjatjantjarra. We are also supporting the Diploma of Translating at Nungalinya College in Darwin. See attached link: Scholarship fund flyer

During the era of Presbyterian and Methodist missions, missionaries began the work of translating the Bible into some Aboriginal languages–Gumatj, Djambarrpuyŋu, and Gupapuyŋu in East Arnhem, Maung in West Arnhem, Pitjantjatjara in the APY Lands of the Centre, and Worrorra in the West Kimberley, but none of these translations has yet been completed.

The missions are no more, and the Northern Regional Council of Congress (NRCC), has inherited the daunting task of translating the Scriptures for its own peoples who speak many different languages.

CSIS is about finding a way through partnerships, in the midst of changing paradigms in both translation methods and funding possibilities.

If you would like to help CSIS, we would like to hear from you!

 Contact Details

CSIS, PO Box 38221, Winnellie NT 0821
Phone: 08 8982 3400

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