Palmerston Uniting Church

Palmerston UC - December 2014

Contact Details
3 Bonson Terrace,
Palmerston NT 0830
0437 909 990

Church Council Secretary 
Dr Susana Saffu

Worship Times

Sunday (with Sunday School)
9.00 am

Easter Services
Good Friday – 9.00 am
Easter Sunday – 9.00 am

Christmas Services
Christmas Day:  9.00 am Service

Congregation Activities and Projects

Op Shop: 8.30 am to 11.00 noon on the first and third Saturdays of each month.

Women’s Fellowship Group                                                                                                                  Meets for a shared meal and short devotion at the Church on the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm

Men’s Fellowship Men’s Pub Night:                                                                                                    Meets for a meal, on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm

Terrace Gardens Service:
Short service with the residents, usually first Thursday of the month at 10.30am