
July 6, 2020

3rd July 2020

From the Moderator

There were two questions Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” and “what do you say, who is that person?”. These two questions help us to understand different realities. Jesus does not need our answer to the first question as they are merely comparing Him to John the Baptist, Elijah or Jeremiah. Jesus instead requires an answer the second question. He asks all of us who are currently serving Him through His church. He does not require us to consider the advantages and disadvantages, but one that comes from a sincere heart. Like Simon Peter we should answer, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!” (Matt, 16: 16). Simon Peter’s answer comes from a sincere acknowledgement of God’s majesty, that he can only be saved in God. Evidently, it was God’s time to save him from the confines of Herod’s prison, (Acts, 12: 1-11). “

Peter’s answer and his experience of faith should be the answer and experience of our faith. We will only be able to give authentic acknowledgement to God if we truly realize our own nature which can only be saved by God’s grace alone. His name is the Messiah of the Son of the living God!

God also does not force us currently, because our answers are not to interest Jesus of to inflate our ego. But God requires personal and pure answers from humans because God knows we need to be saved by Him. Whoever does not want to be saved, he is outside the realm of God. That is why Jesus said to Peter: “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because it was not man who revealed this to you, but my Father who is in Heaven.” By becoming a child of God, we surely will be privileged in the mystery of salvation. As Jesus continues, “You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of death will not dominate it.”

Our privileges and leadership roles in the Church are only through Jesus. Leaders must not only pursue authority alone but be willing to serve and sacrifice for others. “Put on your robe and follow me!” (Acts, 12: 8b). Being willing to be His child means safely entering the realm of divine transformation. God bless!





Rev Thresi Mauboy Wohangara