Ordination at Gapuwiyak

December 22, 2011

The afternoon of Saturday 26th November 2011 was special for the Northern Synod, NRCC and the community of Gapuwiyak. On that day Timothy Wanamayku Wunungmurra was Ordained as a Minister of the Word.
Wanamayku was danced into the Ordination service by his clan group and was presented to NRCC Chairperson Yanyi Baker, who led the service with Rev Rronang Garrawurra and NRCC Presbytery Minister Rev Steve Orme.

Visitors from Darwin joined with others who travelled from Galiwinku, Yirrkala and surrounding homelands to be part of the celebration. As part of the Ordination service, various praise, worship, singing and dance items were presented. It was a great day. The afternoon of celebration on Saturday was followed by Rev Wanamayku’s induction into the Gapuwiyak placement in a service on Sunday. Thanks be to God.


Rev Rronang leading the Procession


Revs Rronang Garrawurra and Steve Orme leading the service


Mrs Yanyi Bandicha, NRCC Chairperson addressing Timothy


Rev Jenny Tymms, Pilgrim Presbytery Chairperson


Rev Dr Gawirrin Gumana, Rev Helen Richmond and Marrpalawuy Marika


Galiwin'ku Choir


Galiwin'ku Choir


Gapuwiyak members dancing at the service


Mr Maratja Dhamarandji, Support Worker, East Arnhem


Timothy with Rev Rhonang Garrawurra


Rev Timothy with Gapuwiyak members


Rev Timothy with Rev Walirr Garrawurra


Rev Helen richmond, Rev Timothy and Gapuwiyak members


Ben Suherman from Synod office, Rev Timothy and Gapuwiyak members


Rev Timothy and Nancy Gudaltji